Month: July 2024

Four for the Fourth

AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Ball Boy, Woody, OBC FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Crawlspace warmed us up in typical fashion. THE THANG:After Crawlspace warmup, we slowly made our way to the toy pile while doing side lunges, Lt Dan’s and Al Gore, culminating at the trailer for some 25/25/25. Then Crawlspace had …

Four for the FourthRead More »

Intergalactic Bunker Run

AO: 0500_club Q: Lobstah PAX: BunkBed, Fallout, Lobstah FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: 4:25 start for some 4:45 for others THE THANG: 4.7, 3.4 and 2 miles :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : AOQ handoff at Bunker COT: Bunker


AO: amble Q: Nails PAX: Crawlspace, OBC, Woody, Love Bug, Bucket Truck, improv, Nails, Lily FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Some ran Some walked Some sniffed


AO: the-bunker Q: Jar Jar PAX: MEATLOAF, Bidet, Fallout, Lobstah, BunkBed, Ash (COMZ), Pondo, Bemis, Choppa, Mushu, Snuggles, Bon Bon, Decal FNGs: 1 Decal COUNT: 14 WARMUP: Disclaimer then usuals, plus Arm Circle Song THE THANG: Run. Suicides, Cindy, Alabama Prom Dates, Other Mary. Mosey to field, locate tires. Partner work, drag, throw, kick, lunge …

Handoff!Read More »

Happy 248th Birthday America even though Bailiff tried to ruin it by not showing up for his Q.

AO: ramble Q: Turtle PAX: Bunch, Love Child, Huffy, SweetTart, Friar Tuck, Churchkey, Turtle, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Stache, Swingline, QuickBooks, Bundy, Keystone, Not Bailiff FNGs: None COUNT: 13 – would have been at least 14 if the Q had shown WARMUP: Where is the Q, any baby updates, oh wow a cyber truck! THE THANG: 6.3 …

Happy 248th Birthday America even though Bailiff tried to ruin it by not showing up for his Q.Read More »

National Independent Beer Run Day Run

AO: stumble Q: Chewy PAX: TapeWorm, LA Gear, Pipeline, Chewy, Silver Bullet FNGs: None COUNT: 5 5 Pax ran around— tho, in the spirit of Independence Beer Run Day, no one ran the same route. :upside_down_face: Ash joined us for coffee. ☕️

Pastafarians Unite

AO: ramble-book-club Q: Huffy PAX: QuickBooks, Costanza, DriveBy, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Friar Tuck, Swingline FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Eat some Pasta THE THANG: Discuss the pasta. Lots of great discussion around food, cultural appropriation, history, guns, and white man taste. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall) has your Q on August 6th. Wild at Heart.

Ginsu’s First Q

AO: score Q: Ginsu PAX: Nails, Ball Boy, Crawlspace, Lumen, Love Bug, OBC, One more the Q is forgetting FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: The usual hops & walkers plus some bonus cadence merkins THE THANG: Moseyed to a Covid-free parking lot for Q’s favorite flutter kicks & friends, then Lt. Dan’d over to the …

Ginsu’s First QRead More »

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