• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

F3 Asheville Southbeach

AO: down_range
Q: F3 Columbia
PAX: SweetTart, Quatro, Booner, Spielberg,
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Stretching, Arm Circles, Lap around park

THE THANG: series of exercise with coin flips, coin is marked W on one side for Work and B for Burpee on other side.
100 merkins, 10 reps flip coin if W 10 more reps if B 5 burpees continue until you hit 100
(Probably about 40 burpees here)

200 Big Bois, 10 reps flip coin
(Probably 70+ burpees here)

Lunge Squat Lunge x 10, coin flip to end of lot

:alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : starting to read and discuss freed to lead

COT: Prayers for Teddy and his family

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