• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

College World Series

AO: hammer
Q: Birthday Suit
PAX: Quicken, Zuba, Darlene, Ratatouille, Bindi
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Side straddle hops, Squats, lil baby arm circles,

THE THANG: College World Series
Celebrate the first 8 teams in CWS with 8 stations at 47 reps, sometimes repeat, sometimes we don’t

Dips, LBC, Squats

Lunges, squats, big boys

Modified Merkins, iron twists

Flutter kicks, dog pissers

Dora with Burpees

LBC, imperial walkers, flutter kicks

Diamond merkins, squat, dealers choice

Imperial walkers-Station 8 got robbed

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
– Crazy Train starts 6/24
– Sprintvergance at Trenholm Plaza 0530 on 6/27
– F3 Dads on Fridays 0700 at Emily Douglass Park
– Meal train for Teddy

Prayers for Teddy and family, prayers for Quicken grandmother and family

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