• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Crazy Train 🚂 comes to Ramble

AO: ramble
Q: SweetTart
PAX: Huffy, Keystone, Cauliflower, Swingline, Bundy, Stache, Frogger, Bailiff, Nails, Turtle, Churchkey, TapeWorm, Trademark, Jar Jar, Lobstah, DriveBy, Pipeline, CESS, Ruby, Coin Flip, Bayou, Flapper, Running Rebel, Snowflake, PaperJam, Tube Socks, Serena, Alter Boy, Wally, Ratatouille, Oscar, Pinkman, LA Gear, HolyPoker, Tarek, Hawg, Sergeant Slaughter, Garnish, SlideWhistle, BunkBed, Quaker, Silent Bob, Runt, Ranger, Tardy, Tough Guy, Cowbell, Voltron
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Some pre ran, some didn’t.

THE THANG: The pax came from near and far to come aboard the Crazy Train. All tickets were punched and we were ready to ride.

YHC decided to show mercy by stopping the trend of hills everyday this week. In exchange the Pax were instructed to push the pace for today’s run.
Despite the mumble chatter about the many turns. We embarked on a strava art route depicting a steam engine. strava.app.link/LpDBPmZRNKb

:alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : F3 Dads at 7am, Crazy Train Triple tomorrow, July 4th convergence and 20 miler.

COT: Prayers to be better men each and every day, prayers for Teddy and Family.

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