• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Crazy Train goes Rogue for Sixth

AO: rogue
Q: Swingline
PAX: Silent Bob, Ash (COMZ), BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Two Gloves, Winston, Christopher Childers (F3 Satchel), Fallout, Ziffel, Bemis, SlideWhistle, Tube Socks, SweetTart, Garnish, Quaker, Runt, Serena, TapeWorm, LA Gear, Bayou, Fenway, Coin Flip, BunkBed, HolyPoker, Ruby, Cauliflower, Ratatouille, Tarek, MEATLOAF, Running Rebel, Hawg, Beeker
FNGs: None

Several PAX went rogue and started early to get in some extra miles.


Started at 5:17 AM sharp with a finish at 6:17 AM.

Boot campers headed to Arborwood Hill to take part in three pain stations.

At the bottom – (20) Burpees, (20) LBCs
In the middle – (20) Squats, (20) Freddie Mercuries
At the top – (20) Merkins, (20) Big Boys

Runners took to the hills of Arborwood and High Hell with a little trespassing into the Preserve.

Six miles for the Rogue Sixth Anniversary


Several Ozzies remain in the Crazy Train ride. Next stop Valhalla.

:alert:​​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​​ :

Crazy Train continues to Valhalla


Continued prayers for Teddy and his family

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