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Feast Day of Pope St. Pius V

AO: rogue
Q: Friar Tuck
PAX: Bemis, Cauliflower, Quaker, Sleasley, Ziffel, Winston
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Pope St. Pius V has made quite a lasting impression on the Church. He was a Dominican and continued wearing his habit after his election as pope and is thus the reason popes are dressed in white to this day. He also set about a great deal of reforms after a long bout of…ahem, less than virtuous…popes before him. He standardized the Roman Rite of the Mass and played a key role in the Battle of Lepanto. We waited for the last bit of fellas to come in and set off at 5:17, unfortunately leaving Sleasley behind.
THE THANG: Having only reigned for one year as supreme pontiff and under the siege of Malta, Pope Pius gathered “the holy alliance” consisting of the Papal States, the Spanish Empire, Vienna, Tuscany, the Knights of Malta, and others to defend Europe from the ever-growing threat of the Ottoman empire. He ordered all soldiers to pray the rosary the night before the battle, which will become important later in the story. We ran about 6.5 miles to Thunder and back.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : The Ottomans fought in the formation of a crescent, the Christians in a cross formation. It was truly a battle of the Cross and the Crescent. Due to a sudden change of wind direction when all else seemed at a loss, the holy alliance navies, vastly outnumbered by the Turks, prevailed. The Christian slaves were freed, and Europe was saved from invasion. Speed for Need is 5/11 and Cauliflower has The Wall this Saturday.
COT: To this day on Oct 7, we celebrate Our Lady of Lepanto, aka Our Lady of Victory, aka Our Lady of the Rosary and remember Pope Pius’s wit in diplomacy and reliance on He who gives strength in battle. Christianity would have looked much different were it not for the work of this saintly pontiff. We ended with the English version of St. Ephrem the Syrian’s prayer.

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