• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Tabata Tuesday

AO: sandlot
Q: Runt
PAX: Bayou, Ruby, Two Gloves, Fenway
FNGs: None
– SSH, Through the Tunnel, Hillbillies, LBACs

THANG 1: 20 Sec on 10 off. Rinse/repeat. 4 minutes per set

Set 1: (Cardio)
– burpees, jump squats, mountain climbers, high knees

Set 2: (Strength)
– push ups, sandbag thrusters, curls for girls, sandbag swings

Set 3: (Core)
– Ukrainian twists, Freddy mercuries, candle sticks, flutters

Set 4: (Cardio)
– side straddle hops, rocky balboas, gorilla shuffle, plank hops

Set 5: (Plyometrics)
– plyo merkins, skater hops, flying squirrels, skiers

Set 6: (Core)
– BBSU, box cutters, gas pumpers, Runt V ups

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
– Ruby will take Q 6/20
– Option to join battle for boot camp 6/22
– Crazy train 6/24 – 6/28
– Prayer requests on behalf of Ruby and Two Gloves for family members

COT: Borrowed from Optimist Creed. Promise yourself:
– To be too large for worry
– Too noble for anger
– Too strong for fear
– Too happy to permit the presence of trouble

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