• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

AOQ Hand-off Birthday Celebration

AO: sawmill
Q: Goodspeed
PAX: Cheesesteak, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Gepetto, Bush, Flapper, Fallout, BunkBed, Snowden (Weasel Supporter)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mosey to the School
SSH, LBAC, Cherry Pickers, Air Press, Windmills, TTT, Finkle Swings
THE THANG:Bear crawl up 3 parking stalls Merkins increasing each line, crab walk back 2 Squats increasing each line.
Head to the middle
Q called an exercise while 1 PAX Mosey around the circle. Rudder observed the exercises for safety.
John Wayne to the stop sign. Impromptu high plank for no reason.
Mosey back to AO
:alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : crazy Train starts Monday at the Bull
Shag night returns

Cheesesteak IS THE NEW AOQ.
COT: Prayers for many things this morning

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