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Sawmill Pain Game

AO: sawmill
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Cheesesteak, Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Valdez, Gepetto, HighChair, Cottontail, Goodspeed
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Disclaimer and review of the 5 core principles. Classic Warma-Rama with a Finkle Swing finish.
THE THANG: Dusted off the Sawmill Pain Game and dice, and table and cones and marker. With some new variation to stir things up, one of which was a concrete block they may have gotten thrown. Scoring was kept, yet questionable. At EndEx, “Team Me” (Cottontail, Goodspeed & Cheesesteak) won. It was a grand affair. No feelings were hurt and nobody had to wash cars.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : CRAZY TRAIN starts Monday. All Aboard!!
COT: Prayers for repaired and strengthened marriage for pax. Prayers for a Holy and Peaceful final phase for M’s Mom (Betty Lou).

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