• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

TheWall Brought to you by Swingline

AO: the-wall
Q: Swingline
PAX: Friar Tuck, Winston, SweetTart, Bootleg, Garnish, Love Child, SlideWhistle, Turtle, Hawg, Cauliflower, DNF, Tupperware
FNGs: None
Five PAX partook in some pre-miles around Wildewood. They learned that turn signals are not taught in NE Columbia. Friar Tuck sought to understand the true essence of DNF with the deep philosophical question that only a monk would ask – “who are you?”


Directions were given for the road route with clear instructions on where the water stop is located and the bathroom code. Eye contact was made with Cauliflower to ensure he knew the code.

The PAX split off – some going Road and others going Trail. The Trail group needed no directions, just head to the woods and enjoy nature. They helped the community by clearing all the spider webs for the many visitors that would come later to enjoy Sesqui.

DNF continued to ponder the meaning of his life in silence, the fellow PAX ensured he was okay throughout. There were discussions about if your children want our money then they must proudly frame our death certificate, I mean isn’t that what a certificate is for. Anything they buy with the money must include – brought to you by… Nature is truly where you can connect with your inner being.

Meanwhile, DNF decided it was best to take a pitstop and perform a purge, a cleanse from the physical heat and the pressure of life’s deepest question. Friar was kind enough to provide his Holy water to replenish him. DNF departed early. Will he finish? Will he find meaning? We don’t know. It has been confirmed that he is okay.

After a long run underneath the scorching sun and humidity, the PAX enjoyed chicken and waffles with some beer and coffee. They sat around telling tells of glory that included taking Wildewood segments and enlightening Tupperware of how we do it over in Columbia.

Slide Whistle will be with F3 Columbia at least one more week before he head to Brazil. After that, he might be coming through Columbia one more time on his way to Richmond. He will be doing the Richmond Marathon!



:alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ :

Crazy Train Next Week
Rogue 6 Year Anniversary will be on Tuesday and part of the Crazy Train. Let’s show up and support your Rogue AOQ!


Continue to keep Teddy in your prayers, good news came through that he’ll be making it home soon!

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