• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

A lovely morning to visit Indian Mound

AO: woodshed
Q: Ash (COMZ)
PAX: Silent Bob, Pondo, Kenny G, Pipeline, Snowflake
FNGs: None
SSH in cadence
Air chair (10 count by Silent Bob)
Calf raises OYO
Plank series with YHC on the call

Mosey time!
Mosey from flag to Chambly x Queens Way
Pain station: wide arm merkins & big boy situps

Mosey from Chambly x Queens Way to Crown Point x Queens Way
Pain station: diamond merkins & Ray Charles in cadence

Mosey to Indian Mound. Partner up for Dora
50 – merkin jacks
100 – jump squats
150 – TEDDY rolls
Partner jog down Indian Mound, and back up while other partner doing reps.

Mosey from Indian Mound to Crown Point x Queens Way
Pain station: diamond merkins & Ray Charles in cadence

Mosey from Crown Point x Queens Way to Chambly x Queens Way
Pain station: wide arm merkins & big boy situps

Mosey to the flag
Plank series with YHC on the call
Calf raises OYO
Air chair (10 count by Silent Bob)
SSH in cadence

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
Amble AOQ change
F3 Dads
Crazy Train
July 4 convergence

Montague family. Cheech’s family.

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