• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Chewy’s Triumphant Return

AO: woodshed
Q: Chewy
PAX: Kenny G, Pipeline, Pondo, Silver Bullet, Chewy
FNGs: None
*SSH x 20 IC
*Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
*Grass Pickers x 20 IC
*Merkins x 20 OYO

*Mosey to Indian Mound with stations on the way (SSH, LBCs, Merkins)
@ Indian Mound:
—Run Down Hill
—at the bottom of the hill do 3 Burpees
—at top of the hill do 50 SSHs, 50 squats, 50 Merkins in 25 increments with running in between
—back to AO with a stop for 20 Teddy Rolls

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
*We found lots of cans of Hard Tea that were shotgunned
*We might have lost the flag
*Crazy Train
*Runvergence at Ramble on Friday

Prayers for Teddy and his family

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