• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Penultimate Crazy Train stop

AO: battle
Q: Big Worm
PAX: BunkBed, CESS, The Beast, Silent Bob, TapeWorm, Spot, Ruby, Sergeant Slaughter, SweetTart, Ratatouille, Runt, Silver Bullet, Bayou, Side Salad, Quaker, HolyPoker, Serena, Running Rebel, Side salad, Blender, Blender
FNGs: 1 Blender
WARMUP: mosey to the football field, active stretching, one lap up and down field, 6 slow count merkins
THE THANG:pick a battle buddy. At the back of the end zone do 5 burpees, 10 iron crosses. Run to the back of the opposite end zone and return to goal line, doing 5 burpees and 10 iron crosses. Rinse and repeat, each time moving up 10 yards until you get to the opposite end zone

Then do this ladder with your partner: 10 LBCs at goal line, run to 50 and 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat going down by one merkin each time.

For with your partner: 100 flutters, 100 LBCs, run to the 30 and back.

Ozzie’s: Bunkbed, bayou, Serena, tape worm, holy poker, silent bob, sweet tart, Ruby.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : convergence at Hammer July 4th; also a 22 mile run that day
COT: prayers for Teddy (Julian Montague) and his family. Visit him in the hospital if you can

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