• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Preeclampsia? I hardly know her!

AO: bladerunner
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Bush, Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto, Valdez
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Real men don’t….no. I shouldn’t say that. We should warm up.
THE THANG: Bush decided to follow Garmin workout suggestion. Careful. It’s going to start meddling in your life! Rest did track stuff. And FMJ Merk-Rama!
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : 4th of July Convergence tomorrow!! Clown car from Blythewood. HC’s from Flapper, Goodspeed & YHC. Who else?!?
COT: James 1:27 what are we doing for Widows and Orphans?!? Besides letting government take care of it? Believe and DO something. Lighthouse for Life is. Help them!

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