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  • The PAX: 

‘24 Saturday Crazy Train Pt 1

AO: dawnstrike
Q: Misfire
PAX: Snowflake, TapeWorm, BunkBed, Quaker, SweetTart, Silent Bob, Serena, Ruby, Side Salad, Silver Bullet, Running Rebel, Coin Flip, Ratatouille, Betamax, Bayou, Runt, Spot, HolyPoker, Misfire
FNGs: None
10 Ozzies powered through an unsettling full daylight DAWNSTRIKE this morning. Man F3 PAX look so weird in the daylight! Work was done and then off the group went to #Battle. Good luck men!

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, SSH inch worm merkins, squats, LBAC forward and backward, overhead press

THE THANG: Mosey down Millwood. R on Devereaux. L on Adger to get to Berkeley and Adger Hills. 5-6 stops along the way for 10-10-10. 1st round was dips, iron cross, and LBCs. Remaining rounds were merkins, iron cross, and LBCs.

Partner up for modified B-I-R-D-S courtesy of Quaker.
Partner 1 does AMRAP Burpees while partner 2 runs up hill and back. Flap Jack.
Then progress through Imperial Squat Walkers, Russian twists, Decline merkins, and Squats

Back to the top of the hills. Dealers choice abs for some active rest. YHC – LBCs. Runt – dirty V-ups. Bayou – Clap Mercuries, Beta – big boys

Time was limited with the big group so only run down to bottom, 5 burpees, run up to top.

Mosey/lunge walk/bear crawl/crab walk back to campus. A few stops for big boys

Calf raises at the front steps while we collect the PAX

Mosey back to COT

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Crazy Train man!
COT: :ballot_box_with_check:

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