• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

248th ‘Merican Celebration 🇺🇲

AO: hammer
Q: Silent Bob
PAX: Silver Bullet, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Dog-Faced Gremlin, Bucket Truck, Flapper, Goodspeed, BooBoo, Frogger, SmokeScreen, Snowflake, Ash (COMZ), Sergeant Slaughter, Spot, Fallout, Silent Bob
FNGs: None
– Merkins x30
– Jumpin’ (all over the Union) Jacks
– Revolutionary Walkers
– Grass Pickers
– Windmill
– Arm Circles (multiple variations)
– Merkins x30
– American Hammer

– Mosey to field
– Teddy Rocks
– Teddy Rolls
– Lunge Walk
– Jump Squats x15
– Monkey Humpers
– Merkins x30
– Grab coupons
– Cusack
– Lap around the building
– Around the Block/Rock Merkins (15x, 4 variations, 60x total)
– Curls for the girls x20
– Shoulder Presses x20
– Tricep Extensions x20
– Napalms x15
– Leave coupons for lap around the building
– Blockees/Rockees x10
– Star Gazers
– Merkins x30
– Cusack to return coupons
– Mosey to AO

– Merkins x20
– Flutter Kicks
– Merkins x20
– Freddie Mercury
– Merkins x18
– American Hammer
– Jumpin’ (all over the Union) Jacks x5

“Always stand on principle. Even if you stand alone” – John Adams

About D-Day, author Stephen Ambrose said: “At the core, the American citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn’t want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought, and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful.”

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