• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Did it rain?

AO: kudzu
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Gepetto, Full Metal Jacket, Shuttlecock, Cottontail, Bush, Valdez
FNGs: None
WARMUP: It’s a Ruck, so it is it’s own Warms-Rama
THE THANG: Rucked some miles. Return of Shuttlecock! Gepetto was found running crazy fast sprints in the parking lot. Valdez ran up and down hills. FMJ pushed the earth away many times.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Nope
COT: QPrayers of Thanksgiving for Patty’s clean bill of health. Betty Lou comfortably at home with round the clock care. Prayers of gratitude for all Gods blessings!

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