• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

Chewy’s Thursday Bow Tie

AO: rogue
Q: Chewy
PAX: Chewy, Christopher Childers (F3 Satchel), Choppa, Easy Street, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Bemis, Swingline
FNGs: None
We discussed the heat. It was hotter and maybe more humid yesterday. Today is still miserable.

We ran. A bow tie.


:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :

– The Crazy Train rolls on to the Runvergence at ramble tomorrow morning. @ Rosewood Starbucks @ 5:30. Be there or be square.
– the-wall will feature a Burial beer tasting Saturday morning. YHC is sure a time and place and something about running was mentioned, but he was still thinking about the Burial
– The Crazy Train will feature not 1, not 2, but 3 bootcamps Saturday morning. It starts at dawnstrike and ends at the_mission — jump on and get better. Or go sample the aforementioned Burial. Both are quality choices.
– Check Slack for the other announcements YHC is not announcing

Welcome to Choppa who posted for his third F3 workout and his first run post (previous posts were at the-bunker). Chop was encouraged to come out to tomorrow’s Runvergence

Prayers for Easy’s neighbor’s family as they morn their loss. Continued prayers for Teddy and his family. Prayers for Pipeline and his neck.

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