• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

Four for the Fourth

AO: score
Q: Dealers’ Choice
PAX: Crawlspace, Ball Boy, Woody, OBC
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Crawlspace warmed us up in typical fashion.
THE THANG:After Crawlspace warmup, we slowly made our way to the toy pile while doing side lunges, Lt Dan’s and Al Gore, culminating at the trailer for some 25/25/25. Then Crawlspace had first crack at Dealers Choice with OHP, Curls and Curl Press with Heavy Block! After checking the gate, OBC had us on the touchdown line for some relays with alternating flutters and modified stargazers. Finished strong with some block work and overhead arm thingies. Ballboy had us do big boys, Aqua-man Superman’s and a new exercise called Miller Lights (crowd pleaser). That left Woody, who only had eight minutes, but made the most of it with modified “suck” versions of boat canoe, dying cockroach and Freddie’s, with a medley of those for a strong finish! Glad he only had eight minutes!
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Happy 4th!
COT: Prayers for Woody’s daughter in Germany on a military base that had to lockdown due to threats. 75% participation at EUG for some breakfast!

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