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Slow merkin beat down

AO: the_castle
Q: Big Worm
PAX: Kamikaze, Burgundy, Buc-ee, Mimosa, Wham, TOY, Turncoat, Turnpike, Wannabe
FNGs: None
WARMUP: some active stretching. 5 slow count merkins (6 seconds each, focus on full range of motion). Mosey to the top of the parking lot and give burpees
THE THANG: 9-1 merkin ladder starting at the bottom of the parking lot. Each merkin should be a six count rep. Go down by one merkin each rung. After each rung run to the roundabout and 10 LBCs (elbows to knees).
1-9 burpee ladder at the top of the parking lot. 10 iron crosses at the roundabout before doing the merkin rung.
5 slow count merkins in cadence, then run to top and do 5 more burpees
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : 5k on Tuesdays and Thursdays from club house. Hump day happy hour every Wednesday
COT: Lord’s prayer

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