• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Ruck, interrupted

AO: woodshed
Q: Kenny G
PAX: Silver Bullet
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Seeing nobody in parking lot after planting the flag, YHC decided to go for a solo ruck up and down Olde Knight, keeping an eye out for late arrivers. After 15ish minute ruck (30lbs), with alternating 15lb kettle bell curls for the girls, Silver Bullet arrives.
THE THANG: side straddle hop, 20 ic. Imperial walker, 20 ic. Grass pickers, 10 ic. Arm circles forward, backward, overhead clap, raise the roof, night club…all 10 ic.
Mosey to car loop. Run to far end, 5 merkins & 5 squats, oyo. Run back, 10 merkins & 10 squats, oyo. Run to far end, 15 merkins & 15 squats, oyo. Run back, 20 merkins & 20 squats, oyo.
Back to the flag for Mary. Teddy rolls, Edmonton Oilers twists, flutter kicks.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : crazy train at Ramble tomorrow. Silverbullet has the flag.
COT: :pray: for Teddy & family, and for Pipeline

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