• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Teddy Run

AO: woodshed
Q: Silver Bullet , Ash (COMZ)
PAX: Ash (COMZ), noonan, Silver Bullet
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 each: SSH, Imperial Walker, grass pickers, calf raises

Run to Teddy’s house (1 mi.)
Monkey humpers (15)
1 Burpie
Teddy rolls (20)
Calf raises (20)
Monkey humpers (15)

Pain stations at every street/curve on the way back (20 count each time):
Calf raises
Edmonton Oilers Twists
Big Boy Sit Ups
Do-se-dog’s (across the street, lunge walk forward, lunge walk back, repeat)
Low Country Crabs
Monkey humpers (15 in front of of G.L.O.W.S.’s house)
1 Burpie
Jog the rest of the way to the AO

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
Run Convergence in the Northeast on the last Friday of the month.

F3 Dads still going strong.

Continued prayers for Teddy and the rest of the Montague family. He’s back home and getting better day by day.

New baby in the F3 family.

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