• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Through Pondo’s Tunnel

AO: woodshed
Q: Ash (COMZ)
PAX: Pondo, Silver Bullet, Side Salad
FNGs: None
Pondo educated us on a procedure.
Through the Tunnel
Ad hoc stretching after we saw Bullet drop to his 6 and stretch
Big Boy sit ups

Mosey to culdesac #1 // Pax jogged to end, butt kicks & high knees OYO, jog back, Merkin Jacks* in cadence, Big Boy sit ups

Mosey. Tie Fighters**. Mosey to culdesac #2 // Pax jogged to end, SSH OYO, jog back, seal claps in cadence, Ray Charles OYO

Mosey to culdesac #3 // jog, merkins & big boys, jog back, animal squats***, Ray Charles OYO

Mosey to culdesac #4 // jog, jump squats & shoulder taps OYO, jog back

Mosey to the park

Jog, pullups, dips, jog back to street. Rinse and repeat!

Mosey back to the flag. Merkin Jacks* in cadence.

*Merkin Jack – Just as the name suggests. This is a merkin with a plank Jack at the bottom of the merkin. It is done on a 4 count. Down on 1 / Legs out on 2 (while in the bottom of the merkin) / Legs in on 3 / Up on 4

**Tie Fighters – Baby Arm Circles in a lunge position. Forward BACs with right leg forward. Backward BACs with left leg forward to balance the Force.

***Animal style squats – This exercise instructs pax to get in the “throw-up position” (hands on knees), do a squat in that position, perform a burpee from there, then get back to throw up position to count for one squat. Q makes the call on time or repetitions.

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
F3 Dads, Fridays at 7, Emily Douglas Park
Crazy Train

Prayers offered up for loved ones and coworkers battling physical & mental health issues.

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