• When: 2024-06-18
  • QIC: Buttermaker
  • The PAX: Canseco (R), PickAxe, Duraflame, Polaroid, Glow Worm, Lizard Man, Simon Says, ET, Buttermaker (R)

Leave No Doubt 2024

Weather: 70



The Thang:

Circle up:

9- Merkins IC
10- LBAC, F/B, IC
13- SSH, IC

Mosey to sign: 2 Kraken burpees (3 hand release merkins/ then burpee is one), Mosey toward teacher’s lot/ stop part way- 2 more Kraken burpees, mosey to teacher’s lot.

14- squats, IC
40- IW, IC
43- LBCs OYO

Pax couldn’t figure the above numbers. Of course, Cheech was a Steelers fan and those were the Super Bowl wins! (sorry Sunday Driver)

Mosey toward gym with 2 stops of 2 Kraken burpees each.  mosey to soccer field

All X 16- run across field do exercise, rinse and repeat (Kraken burpees mixed in here too)
R, reverse crunch
Y, yeah (song substitute- “Praise You in This Storm”, plank jack and mountain climbers X 16
L, LBCs X 16 IC
E, everest (lunge then squat) x 16 OYO
E, empty wheelbarrow (crab walk w/ partner holding feet) count of 16 then switch X 2 then run across field

Lap around track, 1 Kraken burpee at each corner

All X 19- run across field do exercise, rinse and repeat
J, jump squats
A, alternating shoulder taps
C, carolina dry docks
K, Kraken burpees (burpees w/ 3 hand release merkins) (we mixed in 19 of these in throughout the workout)

Lap around track, 

Mosey to flag listening to “In Christ Alone”
Imperial Walkers until song is over

F- Flutter kicks X 19 IC
A- American Hammers X 16 IC
I- Imperial Walkers X 19 IC
T- T plank merkins X 16 OYO
H- Hillbillies X 16 IC


July 4th 2.0 friendly workout at 6am, Simon Says Q

July 4th run to the statehouse, choose your distance

F3 Dad’s camp- Aug 16th-Aug 18th

Prayer requests:

Flanagan family

Rebecca (driver from accident involving Cheech)

Hot 4 Teacher

Safe travels


Prayer & Devo by Canseco:

But we do not want to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

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